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To thine own self be true; Signing professionally using nSignBasic

Signing professionally

In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Act 1 Scene 3, Polonius gave his son Laertes the advice ‘This above all: to thine own self be true,’. This is advice we all can get behind, however when signing documents today your personal identity would typically get mixed up with your professional identity. What are some options available to sign documents solely, in your professional capacity, today?

Identity Signing personal identity

  • Handwritten Signatures – Your unique drawn signature on paper, the same signature is typically used for both personal and professional capacities. Typically, your designation is written down if it is meant for work.
  • Electronic Signatures – The platform creates a digital signature (Big plus here!) to protect the document after you have applied the drawn signature. The digital signature itself does not contain information unique to yourself, and is hence not a Secure Electronic Signature (SES).
  • Sign with Singpass – Digital signatures backed by the Singpass, available if you can use Singpass Mobile. At no cost, however, it only lets you sign in your personal capacity[1].

All of these are great and are still in use today, but why settle for just these options when you can use nSignBasic to get distinct identities?

Netrust is Singapore’s only commercial IMDA-accredited CA. We can issue digital identities in your personal capacity, professional capacity or even representing the organization you are working for. It can be stored in different formats such as a PFX file, in a FIPS USB token or a HSM just to name a few. Signatures are done using nSignBasic also fulfills SES requirements in the Electronics Transactions Act. For more information on nSignBasic please refer to our other blog post, nSignBasic – The New Face of Document Signing.

But that’s not all we have to offer. Organizations that require a large number of certificates or need certificates to be issued on demand to a system can integrate with our REST API[2]. Such use cases would typically be getting certificates issued for internal staff. In conjunction with other software, certificates can also be used to authenticate users! Who says certificates can only be used for SSL? nSignBasic is the cornerstone of your digital identity requirements, and the sky is the limit on possible use cases.

Get your digital identity with us now! Check out nSignBasic for more information. You can also buy it online immediately. For other enquiries such as a large number of certificates or getting certificates issued programmatically feel free to contact our sales team at

Do you just need to get a document signed with Singpass? You can use nSignSG, a free service from the #NetrustGivesBack initiative to get it done fuss-free.


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[1] Information is accurate at the time of publication.

[2] Subject to RA agreement with Netrust.
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