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nSignBasic Cloud Signing – Icing on the cake

nSignBasic Cloud Signing is a service where Netrust stores the signer’s private key and signs requested documents on the signer’s behalf when authorized. This approach takes the convenience factor up a notch while retaining the security benefits of a USB cryptographic token. With nSignBasic Cloud Signing, anyone can sign any document anywhere anytime. In today’s digital signature landscape, it is normal

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Signing professionally

To thine own self be true; Signing professionally using nSignBasic

In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Act 1 Scene 3, Polonius gave his son Laertes the advice ‘This above all: to thine own self be true,’. This is advice we all can get behind, however when signing documents today your personal identity would typically get mixed up with your professional identity. What are some options available to sign documents solely, in your professional

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Routing Documents for Signers: Pearls and Pitfalls Part 2

Interchangeable Signer You may be presented with requirements that allow multiple signers to sign on the same spot interchangeably. This may be the HOD and his deputy, or perhaps any member of a particular department is authorised to sign off on the document. This is similar to Parallel Signing covered in the previous article with the same pitfalls and in addition,

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Routing Documents for Signers: Pearls and Pitfalls Part 1

Sequential Signing This is the simplest use case; you have a document that needs to be signed by some signers in sequence and whose identities are known. Keeping and tracking the document mid-flow is also simple in a custom workflow system. This can be treated as one long transaction, or three different transactions all linked by some common ID.   Parallel

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