Deep Archive – Transaction Signing to Final Signing

You might have read the post on Transaction Signing for ALL by Fareez, which gave a great overview of why Transaction Signing is important and its benefits. In this blog, we explore the technical aspects of Transaction Signing and how it leads to Final Signing and, finally to Deep Archive. In digital banking, for example, transactions are typically initiated through a

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Understanding the Legal Framework of Electronic Signing in Singapore

In today’s digital age, being well-versed in the legal aspects of electronic signing is crucial for businesses operating in Singapore. In the second instalment of our three-part series, we will discuss the legal framework surrounding electronic signing, including the Electronic Transactions Act (ETA) and its implications for your business. Keep an eye out for our third and final post, where we

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Singapore, digital solutions, electronic signing

Embrace the Future of Business with Electronic Signing in Singapore

Businesses in Singapore are rapidly adopting digital solutions to stay ahead in today’s competitive landscape. Electronic signing is one such solution that offers numerous benefits, including improved efficiency, cost savings, and enhanced security. In this first post of our three-part series, we’ll introduce you to the world of electronic signing and discuss how it can revolutionize your business processes. Be sure

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Fast, Secure and Hassle-Free: Sign with Singpass

Digital signing is becoming increasingly popular as more and more transactions move online. It is a secure and efficient way to sign documents electronically, saving time and reducing the need for physical signatures. In Singapore, Singpass provides a solution for digital signing, allowing users to sign documents digitally with ease. In this blog post, we will discuss how to use Singpass

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Software as a Service SaaS

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Are you familiar with Software as a Service (SaaS)? Are you on the fence about exploring or adopting a SaaS solution? Confused between SaaS and other as a service models (Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS))? Have you ever wondered why SaaS has gained popularity with increasing demand over the last few years? Today, in this article,

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S MIME | SMIME, Secure Email, Email Security

Secure Email with S/MIME

Emails have become an essential part of our personal and professional lives and are used extensively in every organization. As a result, email is a popular attack for phishing and malware. Furthermore, email can be a conduit for the unintentional disclosure of sensitive data. Unfortunately, email infrastructure is less secure relative to other technologies, which is why email addresses can be spoofed

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Securing Your Data in the Cloud

Protect Your Digital Assets: Cloud Security Essentials

The use of cloud technology has become a vital aspect of modern business operations, providing organizations with the ability to store, share, and access data from anywhere. However, with this convenience comes the risk of data breaches and cyber-attacks. To protect personal and business data in the cloud, it’s essential to implement robust security measures. One of the key best practices

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Signing professionally

To thine own self be true; Signing professionally using nSignBasic

In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Act 1 Scene 3, Polonius gave his son Laertes the advice ‘This above all: to thine own self be true,’. This is advice we all can get behind, however when signing documents today your personal identity would typically get mixed up with your professional identity. What are some options available to sign documents solely, in your professional

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Approaching Zero Trust

Approaching Zero Trust

Traditional security models, for example, Defence-in-depth security architectures have generally prioritized protecting the network perimeter. However, many of today’s breaches come from within enterprises, and these strategies are failing them. Zero trust is a strategic approach to cybersecurity by eliminating implicit trust and continuously validating every state of digital interaction. Zero Trust’s goal is to reduce the danger of cyberattacks in

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How TLS SSL Keeps Your Data Safe Data Encryption

How TLS/SSL Keeps Your Data Safe!

Generally, people don’t think much about how their data is transmitted across the internet but if you’re responsible for keeping sensitive information safe, it’s important to understand how TLS/SSL works and its importance. TLS (Transport Layer Security) and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) are protocols that provide security for communication over networks such as the internet. They use a combination of public

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